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Department of Physics

Mathematics and Science Center, Room 190
146 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309
(location map)
(248) 370-3416
Fax: (248) 370-3408

Department Chair:
Professor Andrei Slavin

Society of Physics Students:
Office: 288 Hannah Hall (HH)

Department of Physics

Mathematics and Science Center, Room 190
146 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309
(location map)
(248) 370-3416
Fax: (248) 370-3408

Department Chair:
Professor Andrei Slavin

Society of Physics Students:
Office: 288 Hannah Hall (HH)

Michael Chopp


Ph.D., New York University


Recent Publications:

  1. Chen J, Zacharek A, Cui X, Li A, Roberts C, Lu M, Chopp M. Atorvastatin promotes presenilin1 expression and notch1 activity and increases neural progenitor cell proliferation after stroke. Stroke 2008;39(1):220-226.
  2. Jiang F, Zhang XP, Kalkanis SN, Zhang ZG, Yang H, Katakowski M, Hong X, Zheng X, Chopp M. Combination therapy with anti-angiogenic treatment and photodynamic therapy for the nude mouse bearing U87 glioblastoma. Photochem Photobiol 2008;84(1):128-137.
  3. Lu M, Zhang RL, Zhang ZG, Chopp M. The linkage of neural progenitor cell cycle profiles between embryonic and adult stroke models: Analytical approach II. J Neurosci Meth 2008;167(2):376-383.
  4. Lui Z, Li Y, Zhang J, Elias SB, Chopp M. Evaluation of corticospinal axon loss by fluorescent dye tracing in mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. J Neurosci Meth 2008;167(2):191-197.
  5. Wu H, Lu D, Jiang H, Xiong Y, Qu C, Li B, Mahmood A, Zhou D, Chopp M. Simvastatin-mediated upregulation of VEGF and BDNF, activation of the PI3K/Akt pathway, and increase of neurogenesis are associated with therapeutic improvement after traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma 2008;25(2):130-139.
  6. Zhang RL, Zhang ZG, Roberts C, LeTourneau Y, Lu M, Wang Y, Chopp M. Lengthening the G1 phase of neural progenitor cells is concurrent with switching from symmetric proliferation to symmetric neuron generating division after stroke. J Cerebral Blood Flow Metab 2008;28(3):602-611.
  7. Gao Q, Li Y, Shen LH, Zhang J, Zheng X, Liu Z, Chopp M. Bone marrow stromal cells reduce ischemia-induced astrocytic activation in vitro. Neuroscience 2008;152(3):646-655.
  8. Teng H, Zhang ZG, Wang L, Zhang RL, Zhang L, Morris D, Gregg SR, Wu Z, Jiang A, Lu M, Zlokovic BV, Chopp M. Coupling of angiogenesis and neurogenesis in cultured endothelial cells and neural progenitor cells after stroke. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2008;28(4):764-771.
  9. Santra M, Santra S, Zhang J, Chopp M. Ectopic decorin expression upregulates VEGF expression in mouse cerebral endothelial cells via activation of Sp1, HIF1alpha, and Stat3 the transcription factors. J Neurochem 2008;105:324-337.
  10. Qu C, Mahmood A, Lu D, Goussev A, Xiong Y, Chopp M. Treatment of traumatic brain injury in mice with marrow stromal cells. Brain Res 2008;1208:234-239.
  11. Ding G, Jiang Q, Li L, Zhang L, Zhang ZG, Ledbetter KA, Gollopalli L, Panda S, Li QJ, Ewing JR, Chopp M. Chopp M. Angiogenesis detected post embolic stroke in rat brain using magnetic resonance T2*WI. Stroke 2008;39:1563-1568.
  12. Zhang J, Li Y, Zheng X, Gao Q, Liu Z, Qu R, Borneman J, Elias SB, Chopp M. Bone marrow stromal cells protect oligodendrocytes from oxygen-glucose deprivation injury. J Neurosci Res 2008;86(7):1501-1510.
  13. Kwon DS, Gao X, Liu YB, Dulchavsky DS, Danyluk AL, Bansal M, Chopp M, McIntosh K, Arbab AS, Dulchavsky SA, Gautam SC. Treatment with bone marrow-derived stromal cells accelerates wound healing in diabetic rats. Int Wound J 2008;5(3):453-463.
  14. Borlongan CV, Chopp M, Steinberg GK, Bliss TM, Li Y, Lu M, Hess DC, Kondziolka D. Potential of stem/progenitor cells in treating stroke: the missing steps in translating cell therapy from laboratory to clinic. Regen Med. 2008;3(3):249-250.
  15. Zheng X, Jiang F, Katakowski M, Zhang XP, Jiang H, Zhang ZG, Chopp M. Sensitization of cerebral tissue in nude mice with photodynamic therapy induces ADAM17/TACE and promotes glioma cell invasion. Cancer Lett 2008;265(2):177-187.
  16. Chopp M, Li Y, Chen J, Zhang ZG. Brain repair and recovery from stroke. Eur Neurol 2008;3(1):47-50.
  17. Silver B, Lu M, Morris DC, Mitsias PD, Lewandowski CA, Chopp M. Early blood pressure declines and less favorable outcomes in the NINDS tPA stroke study. J Neurol Sci 2008 271(1-2):61-67.
  18. Wang L, Zhang ZG, Gregg SA, Zhang RL, Teng H, Jiang A, Feng Y, Chopp M. Neural progenitor cells treated with EPO induce angiogenesis via the production of VEGF. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2008;28(7):1361-1368.
  19. Ding G, Jiang Q, Li L, Zhang L, Zhang ZG, Ledbetter KA, Panda S, Davarani SP, Athiraman H, Li Q, Ewiing JR, Chopp M. Magnetic resonance imaging investigation of axonal remodeling and angiogenesis after embolic stroke in sildenafil-treated rats. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2008;28:1440-1448.
  20. Knight RA, Han Y, Nagaraja TN, Whitton P, Ding J, Chopp M, Seyfried DM. Temporal MRI assessment of intercerebral hemorrhage in rats. Stroke 2008;39:2596-2602.
  21. Hong X, Jiang F, Kalkanis SN, Zhang ZG, Zhang X, Zheng X, Jiang H, Mikkelsen T, Chopp M. Increased chemotactic migration and growth in heparanase-overexpressing human U251n glioma cells. J Exp Clin Cancer Res 2008;27(1)23.
  22. Xiong Y, Mahmood A, Lu D, Qu C, Kazmi H, Goussev A, Zhang ZG, Noguchi CT, Schallert T, Chopp M. Histological and functional outcomes after traumatic brain injury in mice null for the erythropoietin receptor in the central nervous system. Brain Res 2008;1230:247-257.
  23. Xiong Y, Lu D, Qu Q, Goussev A, Schallert T, Mahmood A, Chopp M. Erythropoietin reduces brain damage and improves functional outcome following traumatic brain injury in mice. J Neurosurg 2008;109(3):510-521..
  24. Xiong Y, Lu D, Qu Q, Goussev A, Schallert T, Mahmood A, Chopp M. Erythropoietin reduces brain damage and improves functional outcome following traumatic brain injury in mice. J Neurosurg 2008;109(3):510-521.
  25. Liu Z, Li Y, Zhang X, Savant-Bhonsale S, Chopp M. Contralesional axonal remodeling of the cortico-spinal system in adult rats following stroke and bone marrow stromal cell treatment. Stroke 2008;39:2571-2577.
  26. Seyfried DM, Han Y, Yang D, Ding J, Savant-Bhonsale S, Shukairy MS, Chopp M. Mannitol enhances delivery of marrow stromal cells to the brain after experimental intracerebral hemorrhage. Brain Res 2008;1224:12-19.
  27. Wu H, Lu D, Jiang H, Xiong Y, Qu CS, Li B, Zhou D, Mahmood A, Chopp M. Simvastatin increases phosphorylation of Akt and its downstream signaling targets and suppresses apoptosis after traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg 2008;25(2):130-139.
  28. Zhang RL, Zhang ZG, Chopp M. Ischemic stroke and neurogenesis in the subventricular zone. J Neuropharm 2008;55(3):345-352.
  29. Liu XS, Zhang ZG, Santra M, Hozeska-Solgot A, Zhang RL, Wang L, Teng H, Chopp M. Functional response to SDF1α through over-expression of CXCR4 on adult subventricular zone progenitor cells. Brain Res 2008;126:18-26.
  30. Liu X, Pu C, Hacke W, Chopp M, Zhang Z, Xu G. Fourth International Stroke Summit. Nanjing, China, July 25-27, 2008. Cerebrovasc Dis 2008,26(2):212-222.
  31. Zhang RL, Zhang C, Zhang L, Roberts C, Lu M, Kapke A, Cui Y, Ninomiya M, Nagafuji T, Zhang ZG, Albala B, Chopp M. Synergistic effect of an endothelin type A receptor antagonist, S-01139, with rtPA on the neuroprotection after embolic stroke. Stroke 2008;39(10):2830-2836.
  32. Cui X, Chen J, Zacharek A, Roberts C, Lu M, Savant-Bhonsale S, Chopp M. Treatment of stroke with (Z)-1-[N-(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl) amino] diazen-1-ium-1, 2-diolate and bone marrow stromal cells upregulates angiopoietin-1/Tie2 and enhances neovascularization. Neuroscience 2008 156(1):155-164.
  33. Xiong Y, Mahmood A, Lu D, Qu C, Kazmi H, Goussev A, Zhang ZG, Noguchi CT, Schallert T, Chopp M. Histological and functional outcomes after traumatic brain injury in mice null for the erythropoietin receptor in the central nervous system. Brain Res 2008; 1230:247-257.
  34. Athiraman K, Jiang Q, Ding GL, Zhang L, Zhang ZG, Wang L, Arbab AS, Li Q, Panda S, Ledbetter K, Chopp M. Investigation of relationships between transverse relaxation rate, diffusion coefficient, and labeled cell concentration in ischemic rat brain using MRI. Magn Reson Imag 2008 (in press).
  35. Chen J, Cui X, Zacharek A, Chopp M. Increasing Ang1/Tie2 expression by simvastatin treatment induces vascular stabilization and neuroblast migration after stroke. J Cell Mol Med 2008 (in press).
  36. Shen LH, Li Y, Gao, Q, Savant-Bhonsale S, Chopp M. Down-regulation of neurocan expression in reactive astrocytes promotes axonal regeneration and facilitates the neurorestorative effects of bone marrow stromal cells in the ischemic rat brain. GLIA 2008 (in press).
  37. Zacharek A, Chen J, Cui X, Yang Y, Chopp M. Simvastatin increases notch signaling activity and promotes arteriogenesis after stroke. Stroke 2008 (in press).
  38. Cui X, Chen J, Zacharek A, Roberts C, Yang Y, Chopp M. Nitric oxide donor upregulation of SDF1/CXCR4 and Ang1/Tie2 promotes neuroblast cell migration after stroke. J Neurosci Res 2008 (in press).
  39. Zhang J, Chen J, Li Y, Cui X, Zheng X, Roberts C, Lu M, Elias SB, Chopp M. Niaspan treatment improves neurological functional recovery in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice. Neurobiol Dis 2008 (in press).
  40. Chopp M, Li Y, Zhang ZG. Mechanisms underlying improved recovery of neurological function after stroke in the rodent after treatment with neurorestorative cell-based therapies. Stroke 2008 (in press).
  41. Li L, Jiang Q, DingGL, Zhang L, Zhang ZG, Li Q, Swayamprava P, Kapke A, Lu M, Ewing JR, Chopp M. MRI identification of white matter reorganization enhanced by erythropoietin treatment in a rat model of focal ischemia. Stroke 2008 (in press).
  42. Mahmood A, Goussev A, Lu D, Qu C, Xiong Y, Kazmi H, Chopp M. Long-lasting benefits after treatment of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in rats with combination therapy of marrow stromal cells (MSCs) and simvastatin. J Neurotrauma 2008 (in press).
  43. Liu XS, Chopp M, Zhang X, Buller B, Zhang RL, Hozeska-Solgot A, Gregg SR, Zhang ZG. Gene profiles and electrophysiology of doublecortin-expressing cells in the subventricular zone after ischemic stroke. J Cerebral Blood Flow Metab 2008 (in press).

Research Interests

Prof. Michael Chopp has continued his leadership of an outstanding research group at Henry Ford Hospital (HFH). An internationally recognized expert in the development and treatment of stroke, Prof. Chopp was one of a small international group of scientists invited by the World Health Organization to Geneva to discuss how best to study and treat this disease. He was also invited to give four plenary lectures on this topic at international conferences (as well as many other talks). In support of his research, Prof. Chopp received four major grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to HFH this year. Seven OU pre-doctoral students (W. Chen, K. Christopolou-Hurd, M. Jacobs, P. Jiang, S. Kaya, V. Nagesh, Z.G. Zhang) work in his laboratory. He plans to give an OU Physics Colloquium entitled "The Clot Thickens: Murder, Suicide, and MRI." The focus of Prof. Chopp's research is the development of treatments for stroke. His goal is to salvage affected brain tissue. He and his group have recently identified novel death pathways of brain cells after stroke. After the onset of a stroke, brain cells undergo self destruction, a form of programmed cell death. This suicidal process is programmed by genetic alterations. They have identified proteins and genes responsible for the promotion of this form of cell death. With this knowledge, they may be able to intervene to inhibit this suicidal process of cell death. They have also found that after a stroke secondary events contribute to the growth of the dead tissue. A major contributing factor to this secondary injury is the influx of white blood cells into the region of damage. They have identified the signaling molecules that target these cells to the site of injury and have blocked the function of these molecules. Their data indicate that using this therapeutic approach the amount of injured brain tissue is decreased by a factor of two, and that they can significantly reduce damage from stroke. Prof. Chopp and his group have also developed novel imaging methods using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that permit the non invasive evaluation of the health status of brain tissue. These techniques allow them to identify whether brain cells are simply affected and compromised by the stoke, are in the process of dying or are already dead. This imaging modality may have an important impact on the treatment of stroke patients and will likely improve the management of these patients.